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Mentions légales

Company: Gühring (Schweiz) AG
Address: Grundstrasse 11
6343 Rotkreuz

Phone: +41 (0)41 798 20 80
Fax: +41 (0)41 790 00 50
Web: www.guehring.com/chfr/
E-Mail: info@guehring.ch

Company information
Registry court: Risch, CHE-106.683.780
VAT number: CHE-106.683.780 MWST

Règlement des litiges de consommateurs
La Commission européenne met une plate-forme pour le règlement des litiges en ligne à votre disposition sur http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Nous n’avons aucune obligation de participer à une procédure de règlement des litiges devant un organisme d’arbitrage pour les consommateurs et nous n’y sommes pas disposés.

Liability Exclusion

Content of online offer
The author assumes no responsibility for the currency, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author that relate to damages of material or non-material nature caused by the utilisation or non-utilisation of information presented or through the utilisation of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded provided that on part of the author there is no provable, deliberate or negligent fault. All offers are subject to change and are non-binding. The author expressly reserves  the right to change, supplement, delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior announcement or cease the publication temporarily or permanently.

References and links
With direct or indirect references to third party websites (“hyperlinks”) which are outside the responsibility of the author, a liability obligation would only come into force if the author had knowledge of the content and it would have been technically feasible and reasonable for him to prevent the utilisation in case of illegal contents. The author hereby expressly declares that at the time of the creation of the links no illegal contents knowingly existed on the pages to be linked. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design of the contents or the authorship of the linked/connected pages. Therefore the author herewith disassociates him-/herself expressly from all contents of all linked/connected pages that were modified following the creation of the link. This statement applies to all links and references within the web site created by the author as well as to third party entries in guestbooks, discussion forums, link indexes, mailing lists and all other forms of data bases and where the contents, set up by the author, can be accessed and externally written over. The user of the referenced web site is solely responsible for illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and especially damages resulting from the use or misuse of information presented in this way and not the party that simply refers to the relevant publication through links.

Copyright and Trademark Rights
In all publications the author strives to observe the copyright laws when using images, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts that he/she has produced or to fall back on royalty-free graphics, audio documents,video sequences and texts. All protected brand names and trademarks mentioned in the Internet offer are without restriction subject to the terms of the respective and valid labelling laws and rights of possession of each of the registered owners. The sole mention of a trademark on this webside should not lead to the assumption that it is not protected by the rights of a third party! The copyright for published material created by the author remains the property of the author. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permissible without the express permission of the author.

Data protection
If the Internet offer provides the option of entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), the submission of such data is carried out by the user on a completely voluntary basis. The use of and payment for all services offered is permitted– if technically possible and reasonable – without specification of such data or under specification of anonomous data or an alias. The use in the context of the imprint or comparable data like published postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail adresses by a third party for the sending of information not expressly requested is not permitted. Legal steps against the sender of so-called spam mail in contravention of this prohibition is explicitly reserved .

Legal effectiveness of this disclaimer
This liability disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the Internet offer for which you have been referred to. If any parts or single sections of this text should not partially or not completely correspond to the current legal conditions then the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected with regard to their content and validity.