Hollfelder-Gühring Cutting Tools
… precise …flexible …innovative
At both production locations in Nuremberg and Lützen/Zorbau Hollfelder-Gühring Cutting Tools designs and manufactures precision tools to meet the highest demands on modern CNC, turning, milling, grinding, laser and eroding machines.
Our standard programme is the basis for numerous innovative special solutions applied and appreciated with our customers world-wide. Individual tooling concepts for complex machining problems depending on the machining task is routinely provided by the company.
Starting with the component and machining requirements, the manufacturing process is analysed. In close co-operation with the users , engineers and technicians then design and manufacture tooling solutions of highest precision for the μ-accurate machining of complex contours.
HPC milling cutters from Hollfelder-Gühring
Revolution in the PCD milling technology
Thanks to exceptional technical details the HPC milling cutter from Hollfelder-Gühring enables maximum productivity and energy efficiency in the machining of aluminium. Now the product portfolio in HPC milling has been extended, besides conventional fine machining we provide a roughing cutter for pre-machining. With Cubing the user benefits from the same outstanding properties as with finishing – and receives near chip-free components.
Smart Setting Motion Tools
Pre-setting and re-adjusting in a matter of seconds
Controllable tools or so-called MOTION TOOLS are applied where high tolerance requirements regarding diameter, surface finish quality and form and positional tolerances are demanded. Often the inserts are additionally (also) retractable via an integrated mechanism preventing withdrawal scoring / enabling a central entry into the workpiece. The so-called activation is for example via compressed air, the cooling lubrication or mechanically.
SMART SETTING MOTION TOOLS from Hollfelder-Gühring meet these requirements. Furthermore, an adjustment unit was developed that enables to correct the inserts within 10 seconds. Special measuring instruments or gauges are no longer required.
Near endless tool life
Sophisticated drill technology
Efficiency for complex machining tasks