Questions, requests or suggestions? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Guhring Cutting Tools (Pty) Ltd.
Head Office and Factory
Unit 1, Aldo Business Park
Old Cape Road
Greenbushes Industrial Park – Gate 2
Port Elizabeth
+27 (0) 41 372 2047
+27 (0) 41 372 2037
+27 (0) 870 150 200 (National Toll Free)
Gauteng Branch Office
Morehill Ext. 8
Benoni, 1501
+27 (0) 870 150 200 (National Toll Free)
Contact Form
Sales Areas South Africa
In Germany, Europe, all over the world.
We look forward to personally making contact with you.
Guhring Cutting Tools (Pty) Ltd.
Head Office and Factory
Unit 1, Aldo Business Park
Old Cape Road
Greenbushes Industrial Park – Gate 2
Port Elizabeth
+27 (0) 41 372 2047
+27 (0) 41 372 2037
+27 (0) 870 150 200 (National Toll Free)
Gauteng Branch Office
Morehill Ext. 8
Benoni, 1501
+27 (0) 870 150 200 (National Toll Free)

Gauteng, North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State
+27 (0) 11 454 3776
+27 (0) 72 383 1022
Northern Cape, Western Cape
Etian Rossouw (Sales Representative)
Eastern Cape
Jonathan Green
We guarantee the highest quality standard worldwide in over 70 production and service centres. 48 sales companies. Always and everywhere available for you!