Expert chat
No bots: chat with us personally!
You cannot make phone calls, but need technical support? No problem: we will give you advice immediately in our expert chat. You will receive live assistance from a machining professional or a customer care representative in our live chat.
- No chatbots
- Convenient and easy
Expert answers in the chat function
In the expert chat at guehring.com or our online shop, competent professionals are waiting to provide you with answers for all of your issues: do you need technical advice on tools, cutting data and troubleshooting? Or help searching for 3D drawings or CAD data? Then get in touch with our machining professionals directly. Our support team will be happy to answer any administrative questions about the shop or your user account.

Do you have any questions?
You may find the answers right here.
Where can I find the expert chat?
Chat support is available both on the website and in the Gühring online shop. To access the chat, click on the yellow speech bubble icon in the lower right corner of your window. All you have to do is confirm our privacy policy, choose if you want technical support or customer service and then enter your question in the text box.
Will I be writing to chatbots?
Still got questions?

Technical advice from a machining professional

Fast support

No Chatbots
Further technical support services
Service hotline
We will advise you immediately via our free service hotline. We guarantee telephone support without queues.
If you need help quickly, we are available for you via WhatsApp and will help you personally and competently.