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Spol. Gühring v odbornej tlači
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Allgemeine Software-Nutzungsbedingungen (DE)
General Terms and Conditions for Software Use (EN)
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen (DE)
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Code of Conduct (EN)
Gühring Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021 (DE)
Gühring Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022 (DE)
Gühring Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 (DE)
Den Nachhaltigkeitsbericht ab 2020 erhalten Sie bei uns auf Anfrage!
Gühring Sustainability Report 2021 (EN)
Gühring Sustainability Report 2022 (EN)
Gühring Sustainability Report 2023 (EN)
The sustainability report from 2020 is available from us on request!
TALENTSCHMIEDE – Berufsausbildungen & Studiengänge (DE)
Grundsatzerklärung zur Menschenrechtsstrategie (DE)
Declaration of principle on human rights strategy (EN)
Catalogues and special programmes
New Products and Additions
Product New Additions
Edition 01/2024
Super Quality – Super Price – Super Availability
Universal cutters: Optimum performance at first-class prices
Made by Gühring – The right choice for all materials
Tool Management
Flexible, professional and sustainable
TM 826
Tool Dispensing Machines
The variety of our micro tools is huge
GE 100
Tool systems for end machining
PKD/PCBN Technology
Newest technology for PKD & CBN – Made in Germany
Hollfelder main catalog
Your competent partner in the field of metal cutting
Drilling Tools
RT 100 InoxPro / Pionex
economical machining of stainless steel
RT 100 FB
Usage tips Flat Bottom Bohrer RT 100 FB
Ručné vŕtanie na profesionálnej úrovni
HSS twist drills
for cleaning out and drilling holes in tyre tread moulds
Short flute drills for wear-resistant plates and Hardox
Stable, reliable, powerful drilling
RT 100 XF
The drill with 3-flats on shank
Drilling tools
for processing steel beams
Gun Drills
Single-fluted gun drills
Fast service: EB 100 blank or coated
EB 80 fast service
Single-lip deep hole drills EB80 bare or coated
Modular fluteless taps
Modular system for maximum flexibility and economy
Made by Gühring – gold right for all materials
The new generation of thread formers
JIS Taps
Threading Tools
RF 100 Sharp
Sharp extra short for 40 % higher milling performance
RF 100 Diver
The plunge milling cutter for 5 milling operations
Universal Cutter: Optimum performance at first-class prices
Reaming, countersinking, de-burring
High performance reamers HR 500
Gühring reamers
Twisted HSS and HSCO countersink
Deburring tools
Cross holes, bore entries and outlet
End Machining
Grooving Tools
Clamping systems and shrink fit technology
Gühring recordings
Gühring recordings for every application
Inductive shrink units
Induction shrinking device GSS 2000
Inductive Shrink Units
Induction shrinking device GSS 3001
PCD and PCBN tools
PCD / PCBN technology
Intelligent solutions for complex machining task
ISo Indexable Inserts
Intelligent solutions for complex machining tasks
Adjustment and safety instructions PCD/PCBN tools
Technical product data sheet
Super Class
Non-Stop Service
Tool Management
Flexible, professional and sustainable
Tool Management
Flexible, professional and sustainable
3D printer nozzle with diamond tip
PCD/PCBN - Technology
Manufacturer Expertise
Drilling Tools
for processing steel beams
Hollfelder main catalog
Your competent partner in the field of metal cutting
Hollfelder-Gühring Cutting Tools
Individual and economical solutions
Hollfelder Cutting Tools
Drilling system GA200-Vario
Hollfelder-Gühring Cutting Tools
HPC milling cutter for pre- and finish machining
Hollfelder-Gühring Cutting Tools
Smart Setting Motion Tools
Tangential Inserts
Tools with tangentially mounted indexable inserts
Apps & Software
Kompletná ponuka univerzálnych fréz
Vŕtacie nástroje
Vybrúsená technológia vrtákov
Výberové programy
Naše špeciálne programy